fuel |
262 York Road London SW18 1TP
https://find.shell.com/gb/fuel/10018887-shell-savoy |
more info |
doityourself |
Bath Store
347 York Road London SW11 3QU
https://www.bathstore.com/ |
more info |
storage_rental |
Access Self Storage
https://www.accessstorage.com/south-london/access-self-storage-battersea |
more info |
furniture |
Unit D Jasmine House Juniper Drive London SW18 1GL
https://www.boconcept.com/en-gb/stores/find-your-local-store/united-kingdom/london/boconcept-wandsworth |
more info |
childcare |
Riverside Nursery
Ensign House, Battersea Reach Juniper Drive London SW18 1TA
http://www.riverside-nursery.co.uk |
more info |
residential |
Constance Court
http://henley-homes.co.uk/archives/developments/constance-court-sw11 |
more info |
sauna |
yue float
Unit A Trafalgar House Juniper Drive London SW18 1GY
https://yuefloat.com/ |
more info |
pub |
The Waterfront
Juniper Drive London SW18 1TS
http://www.waterfrontlondon.co.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
Tesco Express
https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/london/battersea-reach |
more info |
restaurant |
Maria G's
20 Central Avenue London SW6 2QE
https://mariags.co.uk/ |
more info |
electrical |
Wandsworth Bridge South London SW18 1TN
https://www.bemco.co.uk/bemco-wandsworth-branch/ |
more info |
park |
Bramford Gardens
https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/parks-and-open-spaces/parks/bramford-gardens/ |
more info |
fast_food |
1 Marl Road London SW18 1JT
https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/location/wandsworth/wandsworth-dt/1-marl-road/8260429.html |
more info |
The Original Tour
Jews Row London SW18 1TB
https://www.theoriginaltour.com/ |
more info | |
residential |
Parkside St. Peter's
http://parkside-st-peters.com/ |
more info |
furniture |
23 East Hill London SW18 2HZ
http://www.casefurniture.co.uk/contact/ |
more info |
doctors |
St John's Hill Surgery - Begg Practice
162 Entrance B Saint John's Hill London SW11 1SW
https://www.stjohnshillsurgery.nhs.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
The Ship
41 Jews Row London SW18 1TB
https://www.theship.co.uk/ |
more info |
supermarket |
27 Townmead Road London SW6 2GD
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/2658/fulham-wharf |
more info |
catalogue |
https://www.argos.co.uk/stores/4460-fulham-wharf-argos-in-sainsburys |
more info |
electrical |
Forbes & Lomax
213 Saint John's Hill
https://www.forbesandlomax.com/ |
more info |
optician |
https://www.specsavers.co.uk/stores/fulhamwharfsainsburys |
more info |
construction |
Falconbrook Pumping Station
https://www.tideway.london/locations/falconbrook-pumping-station/ |
more info |
lighting |
205 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1TH
http://www.superlites.co.uk/ |
more info |
health_food |
201 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1TH
http://www.hetu.co.uk/ |
more info |
hotel |
Crowne Plaza
Bridges Court Road London SW11 3BE
http://www.hotelverta.com/ |
more info |
electrical |
Forbes & Lomax
205A Saint John's Hill London SW11 1TH
https://www.forbesandlomax.com/ |
more info |
pub |
The Beehive
197 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1TH
https://beehivewandsworth.co.uk/ |
more info |
company |
Aleutia Ltd.
1st Floor, London Heliport Lombard Road London SW11 3BE
http://www.aleutia.com |
more info |
convenience |
M&S Simply Food
https://www.marksandspencer.com/stores/wandsworth-bp-179 |
more info |
The London Heliport
more info | |
pub |
The Alma
499 Old York Road London SW18 1TF
https://www.almawandsworth.com |
more info |
hotel |
The Alma
499 Old York Road London SW18 1TF
https://www.almawandsworth.com/our-bedrooms/ |
more info |
bar |
Neverland London
Neverland London Wandsworth Bridge London SW6 2TY
https://www.neverlandlondon.com/ |
more info |
car |
https://www.cazoo.co.uk/customer-centres/london-fulham/ |
more info |
furniture |
Dogan London
171 Saint John's Hill
https://www.budaklondon.co.uk |
more info |
beauty |
Lady J
505 Old York Road London
http://www.markplant.co.uk |
more info |
school |
St Faith's Church of England Primary School
Alma Road London SW18 1AE
https://www.stfaiths.wandsworth.sch.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
Sainsbury's Local
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/4828/wandsworth-st-johns-hill-local |
more info |
kiosk |
Over Under Coffee
Old York Road London SW18 1SU
https://www.overundercoffee.com/wandsworth |
more info |
yes |
Bayley & Sage
509 Old York Road London
http://www.regimaskincare.com |
more info |
car |
Lookers Battersea Land Rover
50 Lombard Road London SW11 3SU
http://www.lookers.co.uk/land-rover/contact-us/49/lookers-battersea-land-rover/ |
more info |
school |
Park House School
48 North Side Wandsworth Common London SW18 2SL
https://www.beyondautismschools.org.uk/ |
more info |
construction |
Winstanley & York Road Regeneration
http://www.winstanleyyorkroad.co.uk/ |
more info |
cafe |
Deli Boutique
157 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1TQ
http://www.deliboutique.co.uk |
more info |
restaurant |
Neverland London - Fulham Beach
Neverland London - Fulham Beach Wandsworth Bridge Road London SW6 2TY
https://www.neverlandlondon.com/ |
more info |
doityourself |
https://www.jewson.co.uk/branch-finder/battersea-lombard-road-branch/ |
more info |
http://www.individuallymade.com |
more info | |
Espresso Design
https://www.espressodesign.co.uk/ |
more info | |
pub |
Powder Keg
147 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1TQ
http://www.powderkegdiplomacy.co.uk/ |
more info |
beauty |
Victoria Nails Bar
143A Saint John's Hill
https://www.camerini.co.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
Sainsbury's Local
527,529 York House Old York Road London
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/4917/wandsworth-old-york-road-local |
more info |
pet |
Pets at Home
https://community.petsathome.com/store/battersea/ |
more info |
construction |
New Acres
https://www.newacreswandsworth.com/ |
more info |
construction |
Hurlingham Waterfront
https://hurlinghamwaterfront.co.uk |
more info |
hairdresser |
Barnes & Bray
352 Old York Road London SW18 1SS
http://www.barnesandbray.com |
more info |
school |
Thames Christian College
Wye Street London SW11 2HB
http://www.thameschristiancollege.org.uk/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Zia Lucia
356 Old York Road London SW18 1SS
https://zialucia.com/wandsworth |
more info |
construction |
Winstanley & York Road Regeneration
http://www.winstanleyyorkroad.co.uk/ |
more info |
school |
ARK John Archer Primary Academy
Plough Terrace London SW11 2AA
https://arkjohnarcher.org/ |
more info |
school |
Centre Academy London
Saint John's Hill London SW11 1SH
https://www.centreacademy.net/ |
more info |
employment_agency |
Fulham Nannies
69 Stephendale Road London SW6 2LT
https://www.fulhamnannies.co.uk |
more info |
residential |
Lombard Wharf
https://www.barratthomes.co.uk/new-homes/greater-london/H680701-lombard-road/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Pad Thai Story
543 Old York Road London SW18 1TQ
https://www.padthaistory.com/home |
more info |
fast_food |
https://www.dominos.co.uk/pizza-near-me/london/330-wandsworth-bridge-road |
more info |
bicycle |
The London Cycle Workshop
125 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1SZ
more info |
ngo |
Age UK Wandsworth
549,551 Old York Road London
https://www.ageuk.org.uk/wandsworth |
more info |
carpet |
Capitol Carpets
117 Saint John's Hill London
http://www.capitolcarpets.co.uk |
more info |
fast_food |
Masala Kitchen
103 East Hill London SW18 2QB
http://themasalakitchen.com/ |
more info |
cafe |
Story Coffee
115 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1SZ
https://www.storycoffee.co.uk/ |
more info |
architect |
Plot Architecture & Design
https://www.swinton.co.uk/ |
more info |
architect |
Alexander Maltby
http://www.alexandermaltby.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Blue Elephant
The Boulevard London SW6 2UB
https://www.blueelephant.com/london/ |
more info |
recycling |
Smugglers Way Household Recycling & Waste Centre
Smugglers Way London
https://wrwa.gov.uk/ |
more info |
school |
Falconbrook Primary School
Wye Street London SW11 2LX
https://www.falconbrook.wandsworth.sch.uk/ |
more info |
toys |
Bright Agency
105 Saint John's Hill London
https://www.thebrightemporium.com/ |
more info |
residential |
58-70 York Road
58-70 York Road SW11 3QD
https://5870yr.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Yamal AlSham
5 The Boulevard London SW6 2UB
http://www.yamalalsham.co.uk/ |
more info |
construction |
Winstanley & York Road Regeneration
http://www.winstanleyyorkroad.co.uk/ |
more info |
place_of_worship |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
http://www.ladyofperpetualhelp.org/Newforum/portal.php |
more info |
fast_food |
Olivia Pizza / Beijing Noodles
https://www.oliviapizza.co.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
https://stores.best-one.co.uk/veer-newsagents-limited-best-one-64c84f3a9852 |
more info |
trade |
Fraser & Ellis
80–100 Gwynne Road London SW11 3UW
https://fraserellis.co.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
The Plough
89 St. John's Hill London SW11 1SY
https://www.theploughstjohnshill.co.uk/ |
more info |
veterinary |
Eco Vets
50,52 Fairfield Street London SW18 1DY
https://www.ecovets.co.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
Tesco Express
215 Imperial Wharf Townmead Road London SW6 2TW
https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/london/imperial-wharf |
more info |
fitness_centre |
F45 Training
https://f45training.co.uk/wandsworth/home |
more info |
pub |
The Roundhouse
2 North Side Wandsworth Common London SW18 2SS
https://theroundhousewandsworth.com/ |
more info |
pub |
39 Fairfield Street London SW18 1DX
https://www.youngs.co.uk/pub-detail.asp?PubID=283 |
more info |
playground |
7 Townmead Road London SW6 2PY
https://www.gambado.com/locations/chelsea |
more info |
hotel |
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London - Chelsea
Imperial Road, Imperial Wharf London SW6 2GA
https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/lonlcdi-doubletree-london-chelsea/?WT.mc_id=zELWAKN0EMEA1DT2DMH3LocalSearch4DGGenericx6LONLCDI |
more info |
school |
Wandsworth Preparatory School
2 Allfarthing Lane London SW18 2PQ
https://www.wandsworthprep.com/ |
more info |
school |
St Anne's C of E Primary School
208 St. Ann's Hill Wandsworth London SW18 2RU
https://stanneswandsworth.co.uk/ |
more info |
construction |
Tideway (Carnwath Road)
https://www.tideway.london/the-tunnel/construction-sites/carnwath-road-riverside-hammersmith-and-fulham/ |
more info |
pub |
The Brewers Inn
145-147 East Hill London SW18 2QB
https://www.youngs.co.uk/pub-detail.asp?PubID=361 |
more info |
sports_centre |
Crossfit Shapesmiths
more info |
furniture |
99 Imperial Road London SW6 2GH
https://www.welchome.co.uk/ |
more info |
school |
Thomas's Fulham
Hugon Road London SW6 3ES
https://www.thomas-s.co.uk/ |
more info |
place_of_worship |
St. Anne's Church
182 St. Ann's Hill London SW18 2RS
https://stanneswandsworth.org.uk/ |
more info |
school |
Langford Primary School
Gilstead Road London SW6 2LG
more info |
sports_centre |
The Fort Gym
http://www.energiefitnessclubs.com/fulham |
more info |
townhall |
Wandsworth Town Hall
http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk |
more info |
cinema |
Backyard Cinema
https://www.backyardcinema.co.uk/ |
more info |
golf |
Chelsea Golf Club
29 Imperial Road London SW6 2FR
https://www.chelseagolf.club/ |
more info |
school |
Allfarthing Primary School
St. Ann's Crescent London SW18 2LR
more info |
social_facility |
George Potter House
130 George Potter House Battersea High Street London SW11 3JR
http://georgepottercare.org |
more info |
social_facility |
Salvation Army
9 Ram Street London SW18 1TJ
https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/wandsworth |
more info |
Chelsea Creek Concierge
4 Thurstan Street London SW6 2GB
https://www.berkeleygroup.co.uk/developments/london/chelsea/chelsea-creek |
more info | |
school |
L'Ecole des Petits
2 Hazlebury Road London SW6 2NB
more info |
school |
Emanuel School
Battersea Rise London SW11 1HS
more info |
fitness_centre |
7 Chivers Passage London SW18 1UP
https://www.moreyoga.co.uk/studios/wandsworth/ |
more info |
educational_institution |
Royal Academy of Dance
36 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA
https://www.rad.org.uk/ |
more info |
cafe |
Caffè Nero
Wandsworth Bridge Road
https://caffenero.com/uk/store/wandsworth-bridge-rd-250/ |
more info |
beauty |
iLuvo Beauty
7 Ryeland Boulevard London SW18 1UN
https://www.iluvo.co.uk/ |
more info |
fitness_centre |
52 Wandsworth High Street London
https://www.puregym.com/gyms/london-wandsworth/ |
more info |
cafe |
Manna Dew
169 Battersea High Street London SW11 3JS
http://mannadew.co.uk/ |
more info |
dance |
SouthSide Ballroom
63 Wandsworth High Street London
http://www.southsideballroom.co.uk |
more info |
restaurant |
London Stock
2 Bubbling Well Square London SW18 1UQ
https://londonstockrestaurant.co.uk |
more info |
bar |
Sambrook's Brewery Taproom
1 Bellwether Lane London SW18 1UR
https://www.sambrooksbrewery.co.uk |
more info |
cafe |
La Moka
179 Battersea High Street London SW11 3JS
http://lamoka.co.uk/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Crust Bros
https://www.crustbros.co.uk/wandsworth |
more info |
visa |
18 Ryeland Boulevard London SW18 1UN
https://www.tlscontact.com |
more info |
coworking |
1 Bubbling Well Square London SW18 1UQ
https://www.homeworkworkspace.com/locations/wandsworth/ |
more info |
fast_food |
29 Falcon Road London SW11 2PH
https://www.greggs.co.uk/shop-finder?shop-code=0953 |
more info |
brewery |
Sambrook’s Brewery
1 Bellwether Lane London SW18 1UR
https://www.sambrooksbrewery.co.uk |
more info |
convenience |
Sainsbury's Local
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/4995/fulham-wandsworth-bridge-road-local |
more info |
pub |
The Asparagus
1-13 Falcon Road London SW11 2PL
https://www.jdwetherspoon.com/pubs/all-pubs/england/london/the-asparagus-battersea |
more info |
convenience |
Tesco Express
23-27 Falcon Road London SW11 2PH
https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/london/23-27-falcon-rd |
more info |
place_of_worship |
Battersea Mosque
75 Falcon Road
http://www.batterseamosque.org.uk/ |
more info |
park |
Garratt Lane Old Burial Ground
https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/parks-and-open-spaces/parks/garratt-lane-old-burial-ground-open-space/ |
more info |
pub |
Spread Eagle
71 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 2PT
https://www.youngs.co.uk/pub-detail.asp?PubID=451 |
more info |
alcohol |
Sambrook's Brewery Heritage Centre & Beershop
40 Ram Street London SW18 1UR
https://www.sambrooksbrewery.co.uk |
more info |
residential |
Chelsea Island
https://www.chelseaisland.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Sushi Moka
24 Ryeland Boulevard London SW18 1UN
https://sushimoka.co.uk |
more info |
pub |
The Woodman
60 Battersea High Street London SW11 3HX
http://www.woodman-battersea.co.uk |
more info |
charging_station |
Source London
https://www.sourcelondon.net/map/GB*BPL*P000627 |
more info |
post_office |
York Road Post Office
Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BH
https://www.postoffice.co.uk/branch-finder/1310011/york-road |
more info |
pub |
The Junction
36 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1SA
http://www.taylor-walker.co.uk/pub/the-junction-london/c1564/ |
more info |
school |
Thomas's Battersea
28-40 Battersea High Street London SW11 3JB
https://www.thomas-s.co.uk/thomass-battersea/ |
more info |
bank |
73,75 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 2PT
https://www.hsbc.co.uk/branch-list/wandsworth/ |
more info |
kindergarten |
6 3B.04 Barley Walk London SW18 1TH
https://join.kido.school/wandsworth |
more info |
construction |
Tideway (Dormay Street)
https://www.tideway.london/locations/dormay-street |
more info |
pub |
The Ram Inn
68 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4LB
http://www.theraminnsw18.co.uk/ |
more info |
bakery |
31-32 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA
https://gailsbread.co.uk/ |
more info |
bowling_alley |
74 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4LB
https://strike-bowling.com |
more info |
bar |
Le Quecum Bar
42-44 Battersea High Street London SW11 3HX
http://quecumbar.co.uk/ |
more info |
bar |
Boom Battle Bar
3 Barley Walk London SW18 1UL
https://www.boombattlebar.co.uk/wandsworth |
more info |
hairdresser |
The Dapper Fox
27 Ryeland Boulevard London SW18 1UN
https://thedapperfoxbarbers.co.uk |
more info |
dentist |
Battersea Smiles
575 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BH
https://www.batterseasmiles.co.uk/ |
more info |
restaurant |
London House
7-9 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA
https://www.gordonramsay.com/london-house/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Mai Thai Deli
12 Barley Walk London SW18 1UL
https://www.maithaideli.com |
more info |
bar |
13 3A Barley Walk London SW18 1UL
https://schoonerbar.co.uk |
more info |
fast_food |
Papa John's
344 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BY
https://www.papajohns.co.uk/stores/battersea/home.aspx |
more info |
doityourself |
https://www.diy.com/store/2641 |
more info |
bar |
Suburb SW11
more info |
bar |
BrewDog Wandsworth
Southside Shopping Centre 4 Garratt Lane London SW18 4TF
https://www.brewdog.com/uk/wandsworth |
more info |
cafe |
Story Coffee
15 Barley Walk London SW18 1UL
https://www.storycoffee.co.uk |
more info |
construction |
King's Road Park
Sands End Lane London SW6 2FP
https://www.berkeleygroup.co.uk/developments/london/fulham/kings-road-park |
more info |
convenience |
M&S Simply Food
https://www.marksandspencer.com/stores/clapham-junction-rail-simply-food-5209 |
more info |
restaurant |
15 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA
http://www.queenswoodldn.com/ |
more info |
bar |
Vinos y Licores
14 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA
https://www.zocalolondon.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
11-12 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA
https://mazarrestaurant.com/ |
more info |
convenience |
Sainsbury's Local
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/4026/clapham-junction-local |
more info |
deli |
140 Westbridge Road London SW11 3PF
https://www.melanzana.co.uk/a/deli/ |
more info |
chemist |
Clapham Junction Railway Station Saint John's Hill London SW11 2QP
https://www.superdrug.com/store/clapham-junction-stn |
more info |
restaurant |
140 Westbridge Road London SW11 3PF
https://www.melanzana.co.uk/ |
more info |
charging_station |
Source London
https://www.sourcelondon.net/map/GB*BPL*P000651 |
more info |
restaurant |
140 Westbridge Road London SW11 3PF
https://www.melanzana.co.uk/ |
more info |
community_centre |
Royal Air Force Air Cadets
29-32 Simpson Street London SW11 3HL
https://33f-squadron-battersea-royal-air-force-air-cadets.business.site/ |
more info |
pub |
Lots Road
114 Lots Road
https://lotsroadchelsea.co.uk/ |
more info |
fast_food |
Pret A Manger
Saint John's Hill London SW11 1RU
https://www.pret.co.uk/en-GB/shop-finder/l/london/saint-john-s-hill/10902 |
more info |
garden |
Christchurch Gardens
https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/parks-and-open-spaces/parks/christchurch-gardens/ |
more info |
fitness_centre |
https://gymnasium.fit |
more info |
interior_decoration |
Knowles & Christou
116 Lots Road
https://www.knowles-christou.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Le Gothique
Royal Victoria Patriotic Building John Archer Way London SW18 3SX
http://www.legothique.co.uk |
more info |
cafe |
Caffè Nero
20 Saint John's Hill London SW11 1SA
https://caffenero.com/uk/store/clapham-junction-17/ |
more info |
fabric |
Nicholas Herbert
118 Lots Road
https://www.nicholasherbert.com/ |
more info |
fast_food |
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/location/8261657.html |
more info |
supermarket |
45 Garratt Lane London SW18 4AD
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/0069/wandsworth |
more info |
hotel |
Premier Inn Wandsworth
33-45 Garratt Lane London SW18 4AD
https://www.premierinn.com/gb/en/hotels/england/greater-london/london/london-wandsworth.html |
more info |
cafe |
Doppio Coffee
336 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BY
https://doppiocoffee.co.uk/ |
more info |
photography |
Snappy Snaps
https://www.snapclapham.co.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
Sainsbury's Local
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/4021/battersea-park-local |
more info |
antiques |
Ed Butcher
65/69 Lots Road
https://www.edbutcher.com/ |
more info |
construction |
Chelsea Waterfront
http://www.chelseawaterfront.com/ |
more info |
cafe |
Kitchen Therapy
132-134 Lots Road
http://www.kitchen-therapy.co.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
Hawkins Forge
110 Battersea Rise London SW11 1EJ
https://www.hawkinsforge.co.uk/ |
more info |
interior_decoration |
65/69 Lots Road
https://www.auralondon.com/ |
more info |
kindergarten |
Somerset Nursery School and Children's Centre
Battersea Church Road London SW11 3ND
https://somerset.wandsworth.sch.uk/ |
more info |
cafe |
Black Sheep Coffee
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4TQ
https://leavetheherdbehind.com/blogs/locations/wandsworth |
more info |
school |
Chelsea Academy
Lots Road London SW10 0AB
more info |
furniture |
English Georgian
132-134 Lots Road
https://www.englishgeorgian.com/ |
more info |
storage_rental |
Access Self Storage
65/69 Lots Road
https://www.accessstorage.com/central-london/access-self-storage-chelsea |
more info |
cafe |
Flag Bikes & Cafe
324 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BX
https://flagbikes.com/ |
more info |
pub |
The King’s Arms
96 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4LB
https://www.kingsarmswandsworth.co.uk |
more info |
interior_decoration |
Chester Jones
132-134 Lots Road
http://chesterjones.com/ |
more info |
music_venue |
606 Club
90 Lots Road London SW10 0QD
https://www.606club.co.uk |
more info |
place_of_worship |
St Mary
St Mary's Church Battersea Church Road London SW11 3NA
https://www.stmarysbattersea.org.uk/ |
more info |
optician |
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://www.specsavers.co.uk/stores/wandsworth |
more info |
gambling |
https://www.admiralslots.co.uk/venues/clapham/ |
more info |
school |
The Hurlingham Academy
Peterborough Road London SW6 3ED
https://www.thehurlinghamacademy.org.uk/ |
more info |
car_repair |
T & T Motors
61 Upcerne Road
http://t-t-motors-london.edan.io/ |
more info |
garden_centre |
Battersea Flower Station
16 Winders Road London SW11 3HE
https://www.batterseaflowerstation.co.uk/ |
more info |
retail |
Lots Road Auctions
71 Lots Road
https://www.lotsroad.com/ |
more info |
bureau_de_change |
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://www.eurochange.co.uk/branches/wandsworth/southside-shopping-centre |
more info |
cafe |
Caffè Nero
60A Garratt Lane London SW18 4TF
https://caffenero.com/uk/store/wandsworth-southside-143/ |
more info |
sports_centre |
Parthian Climbing Wandsworth
52-58 Garratt Lane London SW18 4TF
https://parthianclimbing.com/wandsworth/ |
more info |
clothes |
32-34 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://stores.primark.com/united-kingdom/london/32-34-southside |
more info |
convenience |
Tesco Express
111-113 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4HY
https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/london/111-113-high-st |
more info |
clothes |
35-36 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://www2.hm.com/en_gb/customer-service/shopping-at-hm/local-store.GB0621.html |
more info |
variety_store |
37 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TE
https://www.poundland.co.uk/store-finder/store_page/view/id/31/ |
more info |
convenience |
Sainsbury's Local
https://stores.sainsburys.co.uk/4227/wandsworth-osiers-gate-local |
more info |
clinic |
Wandsworth Medical Centre
90-92 Garratt Lane London SW18 4DD
https://www.wandsworthmedicalcentre.co.uk/ |
more info |
doityourself |
106-113 Carnwath Road
https://www.jewson.co.uk/branch-finder/fulham-branch/ |
more info |
sports |
55-57 Garratt Lane London SW18 4TF
https://www.decathlon.co.uk/store-view/sport-shop-wandsworth-0070104001040 |
more info |
college |
The Heatherley School of Fine Art
75 Lots Road
https://www.heatherleys.org/ |
more info |
jewelry |
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://stores.pandora.net/gb-lnd/wandsworth/pandora-jewellery-gb7a5e0add.html |
more info |
mall |
Southside Shopping Centre
https://southsidewandsworth.com/ |
more info |
bank |
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://locations.nationwidebranches.co.uk/wandsworth/unit-48-south-mall |
more info |
gallery |
77 Lots Road
http://www.ventique.co.uk/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Casa Manolo
https://www.casa-manolo.co.uk/pages/clapham |
more info |
fast_food |
https://www.greggs.co.uk/shop-finder?shop-code=0819 |
more info |
sports_centre |
Nuffield Health Wandsworth Fitness & Wellbeing Gym
https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/gyms/wandsworth |
more info |
clothes |
28 St. John's Road London SW11 1PW
https://www.traid.org.uk/ |
more info |
furniture |
Søstrene Grenes
63 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://sostrenegrene.com/en-gb/stores/southside-wandsworth-s-8007 |
more info |
beauty |
40 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://stores-uk.accessorize.com/accessorize-fb290eba3a90 |
more info |
fast_food |
https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/location/clapham/clapham-junction/3032-st-johns-road/8260048.html |
more info |
chemist |
36 St John's Rd London SW11 1PW
https://www.superdrug.com/store/battersea |
more info |
fast_food |
Krispy Kreme
46 St. John's Road London SW11 1PW
https://www.krispykreme.co.uk/find-store/clapham |
more info |
school |
The Fulham Bilingual
Clancarty Road London SW6 3AA
https://www.fulhambilingual.org.uk/ |
more info |
clothes |
Oliver Bonas
42-44 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TG
https://www.oliverbonas.com/southside-wandsworth |
more info |
bank |
Lloyds Bank
48-50 St. John's Road
https://branches.lloydsbank.com/london/48-50-st-johns-road |
more info |
books |
5 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://www.waterstones.com/bookshops/wandsworth |
more info |
cafe |
Lots Larder
34 Burnaby Street
https://www.lotslarder.co.uk |
more info |
mobile_phone |
https://locator.three.co.uk/london-&-ni/london/52-st-john's-road |
more info |
pub |
Chelsea Ram
32 Burnaby Street
https://www.thechelsearam.co.uk/ |
more info |
clothes |
River Island
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://www.riverisland.com/how-can-we-help/find-a-store/wandsworth |
more info |
fast_food |
10 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://www.kfc.co.uk/kfc-near-me/wandsworth-southside-shopping-centre |
more info |
chemist |
76-77 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://www.superdrug.com/store/wandsworth |
more info |
mobile_phone |
Fone Junction
137 Wandsworth High Street London
http://www.fonejunction.com |
more info |
fast_food |
75 Southside Shopping Ce London SW18 4TF
https://www.greggs.co.uk/shop-finder?shop-code=1946 |
more info |
cinema |
Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TG
https://www.cineworld.co.uk/cinemas/london-wandsworth/066 |
more info |
sports_centre |
19 Michael Road
https://www.clipnclimbchelsea.co.uk/ |
more info |
books |
https://www.waterstones.com/bookshops/clapham-junction |
more info |
electronics |
https://uk.webuy.com/ |
more info |
mobile_phone |
Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth
https://stores.o2.co.uk/o2-store-wandsworth |
more info |
sports_centre |
Parsons Green Sports & Social Club
Broomhouse Lane London SW6 3DP
http://www.parsonsgreenclub.com/ |
more info |
fitness_centre |
DISTRICT Wandsworth
10 Hardwicks Square London SW18 4JS
https://district-fitness.co.uk/locations/wandsworth/ |
more info |
fashion_accessories |
https://stores.claires.com/gb-lnd/london/344.html |
more info |
school |
Saint John Bosco College
Parkham Street London SW11 3DQ
more info |
cafe |
Park Road Kitchen
316-318 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BX
more info |
department_store |
Marks & Spencer
https://www.marksandspencer.com/stores/clapham-junction-521 |
more info |
pub |
The Old Sergeant
104 Garratt Lane London SW18 4DJ
https://www.youngs.co.uk/pub-detail.asp?PubID=308 |
more info |
tiles |
Bert & May
48 Lots Road
https://www.bertandmay.com/ |
more info |
supermarket |
66-67 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TG
https://www.waitrose.com/bf_home/bf/673.html |
more info |
fast_food |
Pret A Manger
20 St John's Road London SW11 1SA
https://locations.pret.co.uk/london/80-82-st-john's-road |
more info |
convenience |
Tesco Express
601-615 King's Road London SW6 2EL
https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/london/601-kings-rd |
more info |
pub |
Hand & Flower
617 King's Road London SW6 2ES
http://www.handandflowersw6.co.uk/ |
more info |
furniture |
Rebecca Scott
103 Lots Road
https://www.rebeccascott.co.uk |
more info |
fuel |
https://www.esso.co.uk/en-gb/find-station/esso-london-essotescofulhamexpress-100201341 |
more info |
restaurant |
12 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://www.nandos.co.uk/restaurants/wandsworth |
more info |
variety_store |
Flying Tiger Copenhagen
https://uk.flyingtiger.com/ |
more info |
fast_food |
266 Lavender Hill London SW11 1LJ
https://restaurants.subway.com/united-kingdom/en/london/266-lavender-hill |
more info |
rugs |
46 Lots Road
https://riviererugs.com/ |
more info |
newsagent |
69 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TG
https://www.whsmith.co.uk/stores/details/?StoreID=7300 |
more info |
clothes |
Katherine Hooker
19 Ashburnham Road
https://katherinehooker.com/ |
more info |
fast_food |
206 Southside Shopping Centre London SW18 4TF
https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/location/wandsworth/wandsworth/leisure-node-southside/8261323.html |
more info |
supermarket |
141 Falcon Lane London SW11 2PE
https://www.lidl.co.uk/ |
more info |
hairdresser |
Elena Von
107 Lots Road
https://elenavon.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Exotikka of India
35 Stadium Street
http://exotikka.com/ |
more info |
fast_food |
Nino Nando's
313 Lavender Hill London SW11 1LN
https://www.nandos.co.uk/restaurants/lavender-hill |
more info |
furniture |
Nordic Style
109 Lots Road
https://nordicstylelondon.com/shop |
more info |
bank |
https://locations.nationwidebranches.co.uk/london/79-st.-john's-road |
more info |
clinic |
The Glass House
16 Abyssinia Close London SW11 1ER
https://www.theglasshouseclinic.co.uk/ |
more info |
coffee |
The Coffee Machine
632 King's Road London SW6 2DU
http://thecoffeemachinelondon.co.uk/ |
more info |
post_office |
Wandsworth Post Office
157,159 Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4JB
https://www.postoffice.co.uk/branch-finder/0230014/wandsworth |
more info |
pub |
The Northcote
2 Northcote Road London SW11 1NT
http://www.geronimo-inns.co.uk/thenorthcote/ |
more info |
sports |
Runners Need
https://www.runnersneed.com/stores/london-clapham-junction.html |
more info |
cafe |
2Love Tea & Coffee House
St John’s Road
http://2lovecoffeehouse.co.uk/location/ |
more info |
supermarket |
Whole Foods Market
305-311 Lavender Hill London SW11 1LN
https://www.wholefoodsmarket.co.uk/stores/clapham/ |
more info |
furniture |
541A King's Road London SW6 2EB
http://www.luxecasa.co.uk |
more info |
bar |
Northcote Records
8-10 Northcote Road London SW11 1NT
https://www.northcoterecords.com/ |
more info |
motorcycle |
Urban Riber
51 New King's Road London SW6 4SE
https://www.urbanrider.co.uk/london_store |
more info |
bar |
Vagabond Wines
4 Northcote Road London SW11 1NT
https://vagabondwines.co.uk/clapham/ |
more info |
bar |
Northcote Records
https://www.northcoterecords.com/ |
more info |
company |
Orega Wandsworth
1 Hardwick's Square, Hardwick's Way, Wandsworth London SW18 4AW
https://www.orega.com/serviced-offices/london-wandsworth/ |
more info |
cafe |
Jack's at the Junction
252 Lavender Hill
http://www.jacksclapham.co.uk |
more info |
restaurant |
Mare Moto
562 King's Road London SW6 2DZ
http://www.maremoto.co.uk/ |
more info |
musical_instrument |
Coach House Pianos
79-91 Coach House Pianos New King's Road London SW6 4SQ
https://www.coachhousepianos.co.uk |
more info |
furniture |
Fameed Khalique
533 King's Road
http://www.fameedkhalique.com/ |
more info |
shoes |
Tim Little
560 King's Road London SW6 2DZ
https://timlittle.com/ |
more info |
clinic |
558 King's Road London SW6 2DZ
more info |
fuel |
49 Tadema Road London SW10 0NY
https://find.shell.com/gb/fuel/10019497-shell-chelsea |
more info |
childcare |
Cheyne Childrens' Centre
10 Thorndike Close
https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/kb5/rbkc/fis/service.page?id=DK6-AUbsm0g#localoffer |
more info |
antiques |
M&D Lewis Antiques
533 King's Road
https://www.thelewisemporium.com/ |
more info |
supermarket |
The Source Bulk Foods
99 St. John's Road London SW11 1QY
https://thesourcebulkfoods.co.uk/ |
more info |
school |
The Roche School
11 Frogmore London SW18 1HW
https://therocheschool.com/ |
more info |
antiques |
533 King's Road
https://rarebyoulton.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
1A Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
https://www.nandos.co.uk/restaurants/clapham-northcote-road |
more info |
hairdresser |
Edward James
18 Northcote Road London SW11 1NX
https://www.edwardjameslondon.com/ |
more info |
bar |
Zefi Bar
533 King's Road
https://jakslondon.com/zefi-bar |
more info |
antiques |
Hatchwell Antiques
533 King's Road
https://www.hatchwellantiques.co.uk/ |
more info |
interior_decoration |
Vittorio Ragone Design
533 King's Road
http://www.vittorioragone.com/ |
more info |
construction |
Tideway (King George’s Park)
https://www.tideway.london/locations/king-georges-park |
more info |
London Borough of Wandsworth
http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/ |
more info | |
restaurant |
Banana Tree
75-79 Battersea Rise London SW11 1HN
https://bananatree.co.uk/ |
more info |
interior_decoration |
Missoni Home
533 King's Road
https://www.missonihome.com/ |
more info |
furniture |
Robert Langford
533 King's Road
https://robertlangford.co.uk/ |
more info |
school |
Ark Bolingbroke Academy
Wakehurst Road London SW11 6BF
https://arkbolingbrokeacademy.org/ |
more info |
estate_agent |
Martin & Co
1 Cremorne Road
https://www.martinco.com/estate-agents-and-letting-agents/branch/chelsea |
more info |
antiques |
Anthony Redmile
533 King's Road
https://redmile.com/ |
more info |
school |
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Este Road London SW11 2TD
https://www.sacredheartschoolbattersea.co.uk/ |
more info |
fast_food |
242-244 Lavender Hill London SW11 1LJ
https://www.kfc.co.uk/kfc-near-me/london-lavender-hill |
more info |
antiques |
The Phoenix Trading
533 King's Road
https://www.phoenixtradingcompany.co.uk/ |
more info |
cafe |
Hopper Coffee House
177a Wandsworth High Street London SW18 4JE
https://www.hoppercoffeehouse.co.uk/ |
more info |
pawnbroker |
H&T Pawnbroker
9 Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
https://www.handtpawnbrokers.co.uk/ |
more info |
bakery |
11 Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
http://www.biscuiteers.co.uk/ |
more info |
furniture |
Armoury Way London
https://www.stonewoods.co.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
The Co-operative Food
15-17 Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
https://www.coop.co.uk/store-finder/SW11-1NG/15-17-northcote-road |
more info |
estate_agent |
John D Wood & Co
324 Trinity Road London SW18 3RG
http://www.johndwood.co.uk/Estate-Agents-in-Wandsworth/WAN |
more info |
gift |
Oliver Bonas
19 Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
https://www.oliverbonas.com/ |
more info |
lighting |
Dimitri Stefanov Rock Crystal Chandeliers
517 King's Road
https://rockcrystalchandeliers.co.uk/ |
more info |
alcohol |
Philglas and Swiggot
21 Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
https://philglas-swiggot.com/ |
more info |
kitchenware |
Kitchens & More
515 King's Road
https://kandm.london/ |
more info |
pharmacy |
Jhoots Pharmacy
513 King's Road
http://www.jhootspharmacy.co.uk/ |
more info |
restaurant |
Osteria Antica Bologna
23 Northcote Road London SW11 1NG
https://www.osteria.co.uk/ |
more info |
dry_cleaning |
Kings Bespoke Dry Cleaners
511 King's Road
http://kingsbespokedrycleaners.co.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
The Hop Pole
64 Putney Bridge Road London SW18 1HR
https://www.hoppolewandsworth.co.uk |
more info |
charity |
Trinity Hospice Shop
Northcote Road London SW11 1NZ
http://www.trinityhospice.org.uk/trinity-shops |
more info |
art |
Gagliardi Gallery
509 King's Road
https://www.gagliardigallery.org/ |
more info |
beauty |
42 Northcote Road London SW11 1NZ
https://uk.caudalie.com/ |
more info |
antiques |
Davidson Carlton
507 King's Road
https://www.carltondavidson.co.uk/ |
more info |
bank |
https://www.hsbc.co.uk/branch-list/clapham-junction/ |
more info |
furniture |
544 King's Road
https://www.neatsmith.co.uk/pages/chelsea-showroom |
more info |
restaurant |
VE kitchen
39 Northcote Road London
https://weareve.co.uk/ |
more info |
interior_decoration |
The Paint House
52 Northcote Road London SW11 1PA
https://www.thepainthouse.com/ |
more info |
restaurant |
45 Northcote Road
more info |
school |
Westbridge Academy
Westbridge Road London SW11 3NE
https://westbridgestepacademy.org/ |
more info |
clothes |
58 Northcote Road London SW11 1PA
https://newbiestore.com |
more info |
toys |
60 Northcote Road London SW11 1PA
https://chalkboardshop.co.uk/ |
more info |
bakery |
Aux Merveilleux de Fred
55 Northcote Road London SW11 1NJ
http://www.auxmerveilleux.com/Europe |
more info |
dentist |
203 Wandsworth High Street London
http://www.adp-dental.com |
more info |
restaurant |
Made in Italy
https://www.madeinitalygroup.co.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
The Butcher's Hook
477 Fulham Road London SW6 1HL
https://www.greeneking.co.uk/pubs/greater-london/butchers-hook? |
more info |
computer |
A1 Laptop Services
http://www.a1laptopservices.com |
more info |
restaurant |
Akash Tandoori
70 Northcote Road London SW11 6QL
http://www.akashtandoori.com |
more info |
clothes |
JoJo Maman Belle
72 Northcote Road London SW11 6QL
https://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/ |
more info |
beauty |
Ameera London
461-463 Fulham Road London SW6 1HL
https://www.ameeralondon.com/pages/ameera-s-store |
more info |
restaurant |
Pizza Hut
174 Garratt Lane London SW18 4ED
https://www.pizzahut.co.uk/huts/uk-1/7545-wandsworth/ |
more info |
restaurant |
https://meatliquor.com/ |
more info |
ice_cream |
Oddono's Gelati
69 Northcote Road London SW11 1NP
http://www.oddonos.com/ |
more info |
yes |
Graces Hub
http://graceshub.co.uk |
more info |
restaurant |
78 Northcote Road London SW11 6QL
https://www.soithaigroup.com/ |
more info |
convenience |
Co-op Food
471-487 Kings Road London SW10 0LU
https://www.coop.co.uk/store-finder/SW10-0LU/471-487-kings-road |
more info |
estate_agent |
Hamptons International
193 Ground Floor New King's Road London SW6 4SS
https://www.hamptons.co.uk/toletoffice/Fulham/1623 |
more info |
college |
Morley College (Chelsea campus)
Hortensia Road London SW10 0QS
https://www.morleycollege.ac.uk/chelsea-centre/ |
more info |
pub |
Queen Adelaide
35 Putney Bridge Road London SW18 1NP
https://www.thequeenadelaide.co.uk/ |
more info |
place_of_worship |
St John's Church Centre
461 King's Road
https://stjohnschelsea.org/ |
more info |
dance |
English National Ballet School
Hortensia Road
http://www.enbschool.org.uk/ |
more info |
fast_food |
48 Battersea Rise London SW11 1EE
https://www.dominos.co.uk/pizza-near-me/london/48-battersea-rise |
more info |
supermarket |
204 Lavender Hill London SW11 1JG
https://storelocator.asda.com/london/london/204-lavender-hill-battersea |
more info |
dry_cleaning |
American Dy Cleaning Company
77 Northcote Road London SW11 6PJ
https://www.americandrycleaningcompany.com/ |
more info |
clothes |
84 Northcote Road London SW11 6QN
https://www.joules.com/store-locator/store/joules-of-northcote-road |
more info |
Childrenswear |
86 Northcote Road London SW11 6QN
https://www.trotters.co.uk/ |
more info |
gallery |
508 Gallery
508 King's Road
https://www.508kingsroad.com/ |
more info |
jewelry |
88 Northcote Road London SW11 6QN
https://www.asquithsoflondon.co.uk/ |
more info |
school |
Ashburnham Community School
17 Blantyre Street
https://ashburnhamcommunityschool.org.uk/ |
more info |
convenience |
Tesco Express
190-194 Garratt Lane London SW18 4ED
https://www.tesco.com/store-locator/london/190-194-garratt-ln |
more info |
community_centre |
Chelsea Centre
Blantyre Street London SW10 0EQ
https://www.epiccic.org.uk/chelsea-centre |
more info |
weapons |
London Gun Company
498 King's Road
https://londonguncompany.co.uk/ |
more info |
school |
Plan B Education Chelsea
Chelsea Youth Club Blantyre Street London SW10 0EQ
http://olihenderson.wix.com/planb1 |
more info |
cafe |
Asda Café
https://storelocator.asda.com/london/london/204-lavender-hill-battersea/cafe |
more info |
beauty |
496 King's Road
https://www.greemasalonchelsea.co.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
Brewdog The Northcote
94 Northcote Road London SW11 6QW
https://www.brewdog.com |
more info |
dentist |
Glow Dentist
87 Northcote Road London
https://www.glowdental.co.uk/ |
more info |
wine |
Last Drop Wines
492 King's Road
http://www.lastdropwines.com/ |
more info |
estate_agent |
James Pendleton
96 Northcote Road London SW11 6QW
https://www.jamespendleton.co.uk/ |
more info |
pub |
World's End Market
459 King's Road
http://www.themarketsgroup.com/the-worlds-end-market/ |
more info |
plant_nursery |
World's End Nurseries
441-457 King's Road
http://www.worldsendnurseries.com/ |
more info |
estate_agent |
Hamptons International
98 Northcote Road London SW11 6QW
https://www.hamptons.co.uk/toletoffice/Battersea-and-Wandsworth/1891 |
more info |
restaurant |
1a Langton Street
https://www.myrtlerestaurant.com/ |
more info |
convenience |
Bayley & Sage
95 Northcote Road London SW11 6PL
https://www.bayley-sage.co.uk/ |
more info |
pet |
Waggin' Tails
364-366 Fulham Road
https://www.waggintailsonline.com/ |
more info |
Maternity_Wear |
102 Northcote Road London SW11 6QY
https://www.seraphine.com/ |
more info |
veterinary |
Chelsea Veterinary Clinic
364-366 Fulham Road
https://www.waggintailsonline.com/ |
more info |
wine |
Borough Wines
513 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BN
https://boroughwines.co.uk/ |
more info |