1st Stanwell Scout Group
Pioneer Lodge Park Road Stanwell TW19 7NT
1st Stanwell Scout Group
We provide Scouting to boys and girls aged 6 to 14 in Stanwell, Surrey, in our Beaver, Cub and Scout sections. Scouting offers challenge and adventure to 400,000 young people aged 6-25 across the UK. We believe in helping our members fulfil their potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for…
We provide Scouting to boys and girls aged 6 to 14 in Stanwell, Surrey, in our Beaver, Cub and Scout sections. Scouting offers challenge and adventure to 400,000 young people aged 6-25 across the UK. We believe in helping our members fulfil their potential
https://1ststanwellscoutgroup.wordpress.com/ https://twitter.com/@1stStanwell